2024 Indiana District Convention (August 23 – 24)

Location: Courtyard Marriott Lafayette
150 Fairington Ave Lafayette, Indiana 47905


10:00-12:00PM: K.I.D.S. Committee

12:30-2:30PM: Foundation Meeting

2:00-5:00PM: CLE officer training

3:00-5:00PM: Indiana District Board Meeting

5-6:30PM: Registration

6:10PM: Dinner, music and parade of Riley checks (Patio A)


7:00am-12:00PM Registration (Foyer)

7:00-9:00AM: Breakfast (Grand Ball Room)

7:30-8:30AM: Past Lt. Governor Meeting

8:00am-3:00pm Credentials (Foyer)

9:00AM: Opening Session (Grand Ball Room)

               Welcome-Governor Doug McMillan              
               Welcome to Lafayette-Steven Riggs
               Keynote Speaker-Robbie Hummel

10:10-11:00AM: Breakout Session #1

               Club Management Technology Online
Kiwanis International Children’s Fund 
Past Governor’s Meeting

11:10-11:50AM: Breakout Session #2

               Spam, Scams, Security and Password Protection
               Club Coaching-Insight in strengthening clubs
               Kiwanis Young Children:  Priority  One

Noon-1:45PM: Lunch (Grand Ball Room)

               Trustee Dennis Baugh
               Governor Circle K
               Governor Key Club
               Kiwanis International Children’s Fund
               Kiwanis Indiana Foundation
               Denny Yoder Award
               Mini-parade of Riley Checks and Riley Update

2:00-2:50PM: Breakout Session #3

               Create your club’s membership plan
               Planning your financial future 
               Service Leadership Programs & Key Leader   

3:15-4:30PM: House of Delegates

4:30-5:00PM: Memorial Celebration            
               Carnation presentation honoring those we lost since last district convention

5:30PM: Cocktails and appetizers (Foyer)

6:00PM: Dinner (Grand Ballroom)

               Invocation-Human and Spiritual Values Chair Felicia Dixon
               Retirement of current board members-Trustee Dennis Baugh
               Induction of new board members-Dennis Baugh
               Comedian Scott Long

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Delegate Form

Download the delegate form, fill it out and mail it to the District Office address listed on the form by August 19, 2024.

Submit Members We Lost

One of the traditions of the Indiana District is honoring recently deceased Kiwanians. Please use the form to notify the District Office of members of your club who passed away in 2023 – 2024. We rely upon clubs to report this information so that we may list these names in the memorial program.

Past Conference/Convention Resources

You can find the Indiana District Bylaws and District-Policies-and-Procedures here: https://www.indkiw.org/indiana-district/