What is Kiwanis?

We Help Kids.

– Kiwanis is a Youth Oriented Service Organization.

– And we partner with Riley Hospital for Children. (Indiana District only)

Two For Two

Membership growth is not a one-time campaign or event. It’s a continuous club operation to help more kids in the community who need us. This is a perfect time to start using a new resource to grow your club’s membership and make membership growth part of club operations. It’s called “Two For Two.”

The premise is simple and easy to implement. Two members meet with two prospects every month to discuss Kiwanis and the club’s impact on the community. The meeting can be anywhere, such as a coffee shop, library, community center or place of business.  

The Two For Two guide is filled with information and ideas about who to approach for membership, how to approach them, ideas for corporate memberships and ways to identify prospects.
Click the graphic to download the guide
If the 12-page guide seems overwhelming, begin with this Two For Two in five easy steps resource
Learn how to talk with prospective members a bout the value of membership in a dues-based organization.
Click the graphic to download the guide.
Membership recruitment can be fun, and it should be fun. In fact, everything about Kiwanis should be fun, from meeting new member prospects to anticipating and enjoying meetings, service projects and other Kiwanis experiences.
Click the graphic to download the guide.


Clubs that report the names and contact information for this month’s prospects will be entered into the next monthly drawing for a US$200 gift card to the Kiwanis Family Store. The drawing is held on the 20th of each month. Complete the form, and good luck! 

Increase Impact of Your Club

Youth Protection & Background Checks

As the premier provider of youth service clubs and programs, Kiwanis International holds itself and its members to the highest standards of conduct and awareness.

Each year, more than 300,000 youth take part in Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) such as K-Kids, Builders Club and Key Club. Kiwanis reaches millions more youth around the world through club and district service projects. When we work with and mentor youth during projects and activities, their care and welfare are entrusted to us.

Kiwanis members must know how to protect the youth with whom we interact. When we all share this commitment, we also protect ourselves and the organization we value.

Kiwanis International has taken extensive action to equip Kiwanis clubs, districts and SLPs with the tools to provide safe and secure environments for youth. Resources include a 24/7 toll-free helpline, as well as a roster of youth protection managers for each Kiwanis district. (Click here for the youth protection managers’ job description.)

Other information and resources

Free Club Website Resources

Kiwanis International provides a freee club website. For more information, CLICK HERE

Increase Online Presence: Social Media Resources

Having visual content such as photos, short videos, quote images is vital when you are using social media. Don’t have enough visual content? Kiwanis International provides a variety of images, videos, and ready-made posts that you can use when you don’t have anything to post!

Recommended FB pages your club to follow and share posts 

Membership Boost

Contact your Lt. Governor or Indiana District to learn how to host a Membership Boost event.

Request info on Membership Boost Event


Kiwanis Indiana Foundation Grant

The Foundation makes grants to support Kiwanis clubs in Indiana to increase impacts to children in Indiana.

MICROGRANT PROGRAM (Kiwanis Children’s Fund)

If your club has 35 members or fewer and is in good standing with Kiwanis International and the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, you may qualify to apply for a microgrant of US$250-1,000!