Q: I can’t login in my Kiwanis International account or perhaps help with password.

A: Please contact Kiwanis International member services at 1-800-KIWANIS, ext. 411 or memberservices@kiwanis.org.

Q: Where do I send checks for Riley, Indiana Foundation, Children’s Fund, etc. ?

A: You can find where to send checks to from here.

Q: I’m the club secretary. How do I manage membership, submit monthly report and Annual Club Report to Kiwanis International?

A: You can manage your membership and submit your Monthly Club Report and Annual Club Report via Secretary Dashboard.

Q: My club changed the meeting place and meeting time. Where can I update these info so that the new information is displayed in the club locator (for the prospective members to find my club)?

A: Clubs can add or edit their meeting place, directly on the Secretary Dashboard, which is then displayed in the club locator (Find A Club) so that prospective members and guests can find you when searching for a club to join near their home or work. The Secretary Dashboard features an option for clubs to update their meeting information and public website and have it feed real-time data into the club locator. Be sure your club’s meeting location is an actual mailing address for the club locator mapping software to correctly identify your club.

Q: How can someone from the Indiana District speak at our meeting?

A: Please fill-out the form below and someone will contact you. Please include the topic you are interested in (i.e. membership, Riley, Foundation, SLP, Governor’s visit or District office overview.)

Q: How can my club become a “Distinguished Club”?

A: Your club needs to meet Distinguished Club Criteria. The Distringuished Criteria will be available HERE.

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