2023-2024 Club Membership Chair training [Kiwanis International]
We hope you will take the opportunity to join the membership chair training on August 22 or August 23 at 8 p.m. Eastern via Zoom. This training will provide a general overview of roles and responsibilities for current and incoming membership chairs.
Club membership chair training will be offered twice (same content both days)
- Tuesday, August 22, 2023
- Wednesday, August 23, 2023
All training will take place on Zoom at 8 p.m. Eastern/7 p.m. Central/6 p.m. Mountain/5 p.m. Pacific. You should set aside 75-90 minutes for the session.
After the general education session for membership chairs concludes, four breakout sessions will be offered. You can join one of the breakout rooms to get more information about a specific topic. The following breakouts will be offered:
- Rejuvenate your club – focus on relevancy
- Recruitment in a virtual world
- Implementing Two For Two
- Retaining your members
- Or you can stay in the main session room to ask additional questions to the membership chair facilitators.
Please register for the training at the link below:
The virtual CLE trainings are offered as a supplement to any training you may already have received but may count for training credit if someone missed their district training.
The training will be recorded on Zoom for those who are unable to attend and would like to review the training on their own time. Recordings will be made available beginning September 1.
After the virtual training is complete, we will ask you to complete a brief attendance survey. All attendees who complete the survey will receive credit for attending CLE training.
Thank you for stepping up as a membership leader in your club. We look forward to having you join us for this valuable training session.